A little history about the fruit tells us that Kiwi fruit, native to Northern China was first cultivated in New Zealand at the turn of the 20th Century and was known as Chinese Gooseberries. Later it was christened as Kiwi fruit in New Zealand because the fruit shares characteristics with New Zealand’s national bird Kiwi which is also small, brown and fuzzy.
Kiwis are rich in nutrients with low calories. It is packed with vital nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, copper, choline, Magnesium and Phosphorous. Kiwi helps you feel just as good, as it has a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin E which are antioxidants that prevent from skin degeneration and keeps your skin wrinkle free and makes you look younger.
Kiwi Fruit also protects from eye problems. Kiwi’s high level of lutein and zeaxanthin-both of which are natural chemicals found in a human eye prevents from eye problems Who ever knew this small fruit can be so beneficial. Truly said,” Big surprises come in small packages.”
Kiwi fruit is a rich source of vitamin C that contains collagens. For a healthy-looking and flawless skin, collagens are very important. Single kiwi fruit can give around 63 mg of Vitamin C, which is equivalent to 73% of the human body’s daily requirement. Having a single fruit each day can keep your skin looking younger, smoother, and firmer. Apart from that, another kiwi fruit benefits for skin is that it is rich in antioxidants that helps in repairing the skin and further protecting it from any type of damage done by pollution, sun, and smoke.
Often termed as a powerhouse of nutrients, kiwi fruit powder acts as a great food option for women during their pregnancy. This fruit is rich in folate and having kiwi fruit in pregnancy can stimulate cell production and healthy development of all the vital organs of the baby. The vitamin C in the body also helps in properly developing the baby. Another benefit of having kiwi fruit in pregnancy is that it curbs the sugar cravings of pregnant women while not increasing the glycemic index. Not just that, eating kiwi fruit during pregnancy can help pregnant women in fighting hormonal imbalances and mood swings.
There are a number of kiwi fruit advantages to the human body and one of the most talked-about benefits is its benefits for blood. Not only is kiwi fruit helpful in managing the body’s blood pressure but it is also miraculous in reducing blood clotting. According to a study done by the University of Oslo, having around 2-3 kiwi fruits every day can help in reducing the risk of getting blood clots in the system. Moreover, kiwi fruits tend to relax the blood vessels and minimize your chances of getting a heart attack or stroke attack.
Having a low glycemic index, kiwi fruit slows down the uptake of sugar while digesting food in the body. The high water-holding capacity of fruits due to the fibers present in it also ensures that glucose is not very rapidly released in the bloodstream; thus, helping in controlling blood sugar levels in diabetic patients
Those trying to lose weight should also include kiwi fruit in their everyday diet plan. There are many kiwi fruit benefits for weight loss. Those craving for sweets during their dieting can always turn to kiwi as it has very less calorie content. The fiber in kiwi fruit also helps in attaining a healthier body mass index (BMI).
Those who are stressed out because of continuous hair fall, loss in hair texture or volume, kiwi fruit works as a magical fruit. The vitamin E present in kiwi accelerates hair growth. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals that improve the immune system and decrease your chances of getting hair-related problems. Using kiwi fruit juice to cleanse your hair can be a great way to make your hair shinier.
Kiwis are rich in fibre that binds to toxins and flushes them out of the body. Fiber also binds to cholesterol and removes them from the body and thus kiwi also helps to reduce cholesterol.
Studies show that Kiwis have a mild laxative effect and hence good for constipation.
Fiber and Potassium in kiwis are good for heart health. Kiwi’s high level of potassium helps to keep the electrolytes in the body balanced thereby countering the effects of Sodium. Low sodium helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.
High potassium intake also helps to reduce the risk of stroke, loss of muscle mass. It also preserves the bone mineral density and there is a reduction in the formation of kidney stones.
Kiwi falls in the category of most alkaline fruits and thus helps in balancing acidic and alkaline food consumption. Few advantages of a properly acid/alkaline balanced body are youthful skin, deeper sleep, abundant physical energy, fewer colds, less arthritis and reduced osteoporosis.
We are a kiwi fruit powder manufacturer from China, you can buy high-quality products at the best price here. samples and customize products according to your needs.
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