Licorice extracts have shown clear efficacy for a variety of diseases in modern pharmaceutical research and practice. Its pharmacological activity is manifested as anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, anti-ulcer, and anti-tumor effects, mainly in flavonoids, triterpenoid saponins, and polysaccharides. Recent studies have shown that licorice has good preventive and therapeutic effects on a variety of diseases related to oral infections.
Caries is a chronic infectious disease of the oral cavity, mainly manifested as chronic progressive lesions of the hard tissues of teeth, with high incidence and wide distribution. Caries is associated with various factors, such as diet, host, and time, but their main etiology is the infection of specific microorganisms of the oral cavity. The pathogenic microorganisms of caries are mainly acid-producing and acid-resistant bacteria in the dental surface plaque biofilm, including Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Lactobacillus spp, and Actinomyces spp. After screening and evaluating the activity of more than 1000 herbal medicines and their extracts, the UCLA laboratory found that specific extracts of the main root of Uralagandha showed significant inhibition of cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, from which four main active attributed compounds were isolated and identified. Based on the previous studies, the UCLA laboratory developed a safe and effective method for the preparation of specific extracts of the main root of Ural licorice. The resulting extract contained high concentrations of glycyrrhiza stem alcohol and showed strong inhibitory activity against several major caries-causing bacteria, and no harmful chemicals such as lead, arsenic, and pesticide residues were detected in the extract. A comprehensive safety assessment showed that the licorice extract was non-teratogenic and mutagenic in vitro and non-cytotoxic.
Recurrent aphthous ulcers are the most common oral mucosal disease in children and adults, with a prevalence of 15% to 25% in the general population. The etiology of recurrent aphthous ulcers is complex and includes systemic and local immune factors, bacteria and viruses, food and chemical sensitivities. Related studies have shown that licorice and its extracts have some efficacy in relieving pain and accelerating ulcer healing during the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcers. Clinical data from 20 subjects were collected and analyzed, and it was found that after 2 weeks of using mouthwash containing licorice extracts, pain relief, and ulcer healing were accelerated.
Periodontal diseases are diseases that occur in the periodontal tissues and include two main categories: gingivitis and periodontitis, which are chronic infectious diseases caused by multiple pathogenic factors. In gingivitis, the inflammation is limited to the soft tissues of the gums, whereas periodontitis can progressively destroy the periodontal supporting tissues including the gums, alveolar bone, and periodontal membrane.
The main pathogenic factors of periodontitis are the accumulation and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, mainly gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, in the subgingival area, producing toxins and proteases that destroy normal periodontal tissues. Host immune response to periodontal pathogenic bacteria. The main pathogenic bacteria of chronic periodontitis include Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola. Invasive periodontitis, on the other hand, is closely related to Actinobacillus actinomycetencomitans. Several in vitro studies have demonstrated the potential of licorice and its active constituents to be developed as natural phytochemical analogs for the treatment or prevention of periodontitis. The crude extract of Ural licorice inhibited the growth and biofilm formation of Porphyromonas gingivalis, the causative agent of chronic periodontitis.
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