Plant extracts used as food additives

Natural food additives are increasingly favored by consumers

      Due to many incidents of using non-food additives in food, consumers have a rejection attitude towards food additives. Consumers' attitudes make food manufacturers more cautious in the selection of additives, and have higher requirements for the safety of additives. At the same time, out of concern for health, consumers are more advocating natural food additives obtained through processing using natural animals and plants as raw materials.

      Functional food additives with nutritional and health functions are developing rapidly:

      Organic food, green food, functional food, health food, and health food have become new growth points for the food industry around the world, and the functionalization of food additives has also become the development trend of international and domestic food additives. Functional food additives are mostly natural extracts with physiological activity and health functions, such as soy isoflavones that can reduce blood lipids, improve cardiovascular disease, and improve osteoporosis, and lutein that has eye protection functions and has anti-cancer effects. Turmeric, Zeaxanthin, lycopene whose antioxidant activity is hundreds of times higher than that of vitamin E in eliminating free radicals, etc. 

      The market potential of compound products with less dosage and obvious effect is huge:

      Compound food additives refer to food additive products that are composed of several or even more than a dozen food additives in a certain proportion. This type of product has obvious advantages: it can complement the functions of various single food additives, making it more economical and effective. ; The effectiveness of various food additives can be synergized, thereby reducing their dosage and cost; because the dosage of a single food additive is reduced, its side effects are reduced, and the safety of the product can be improved; the flavors of food additives can interact with each other Mask, optimize and enhance to improve the taste of food. Compound food additives have become popular abroad, and the domestic market has huge potential in the future.

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